Daniel Singer Prize

for the 2025 Daniel Singer Prize

The Daniel Singer Millennium Prize Foundation is offering a $10,000 prize for a published article addressing the working-class popularity of right-wing movements.

In recent years we’ve witnessed the rise of far-right leaders and parties throughout the world. Their xenophobic, nativist, anti-immigrant and, in some cases, neofascist ideology has become widely popular. They are winning the support of large sectors of the working class and represent a deadly threat to democracy and social justice.

How can one explain this upsurge? Why has the far right gained the support of so many working people? Has the left made mistakes that have eased the rise of the right? What is being done by the left, by democratic socialists, by anti-fascists, to confront this danger?

These are some of the questions that could be considered by contestants for the 2025 Daniel Singer Prize. Submissions are not expected to address all of these issues. Cogent pieces addressing major aspects of any of them would be welcome.

Daniel Singer was a committed socialist with a deep respect for the facts on the ground. His journalism was descriptive, analytical and elegant. These are the qualities the Daniel Singer Foundation hopes to honor with the Millennium Prize.

Submission guidelines

  • Essays must have been published in English in 2024.
  • Essays may be submitted by authors, editors, readers or publishers.
  • Maximum length of the submission is 8,000 words.
  • Submissions received after the deadline will not be considered.
  • Submissions must include a short (500-word maximum) statement explaining why the piece merits winning the prize and
    a link to the published essay.
  • The submission may be made by the article’s author or by someone else. Please do not submit multiple articles by the
    same author.
  • Submissions must be made before April 1, 2025, 23:59 Eastern Time.
  • If you have questions about the prize or the nomination process, please write to admin@danielsingerprize.org.
    The Daniel Singer Prize is a majority volunteer collective, and we will do our best to respond in a timely manner.

Click here to nominate an essay.

Judging: Contributions will be reviewed by a panel of Daniel Singer Millennium Prize Foundation Board Members. All decisions made by judges regarding the winners of the contest are final.

Award: The winning entry will be awarded a $10,000 cash prize.

More information: https://danielsingerprize.org/

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