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Les mouvements lesbiens, homosexuels et trans

Les mouvements lesbiens, homosexuels et trans

CRAPUL­ IEPHI, Université de Lausanne CEG­ISS, Université de Lausanne FRAMESPA,Université Jean Jaurès, Toulouse LES MOUVEMENTS LESBIENS, HOMOSEXUELS ET TRANS EN FRANCE Années 70 et 80 Appel à communication Université de Lausanne, Faculté des Sciences sociales et politiques 10­-12 octobre 2019 Les années 1968 semblent désormais entrées dans l’histoire, avec

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Violence in the City

Violence in the City

European Consortium for Political Research Violence in the City: Actors, Forms and Dynamics of Urban Violence Endorsed by the ECPR Standing Group on Political Violence Abstract This section addresses violence as an urban phenomenon. It looks into violence that occurs in

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Alternative futures and popular protest 2019

Alternative futures and popular protest 2019

The Twenty-Fourth Alternative Futures and Popular Protest Conference will be held on 15-17th April 2019 at the University of Manchester. From 1995 to 2018 this hugely successful series of international conferences has been organised by Colin Barker and Mike Tylesley

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Movements at the Millennium

Movements at the Millennium

SEATTLE+20 Movements at the Millennium Call for Papers: Special issue of the journal of Socialism and Democracy Summary. Twenty years after the so-called “Battle in Seattle” and the millennial turn, we seek papers that help explain the 1990s-2010s period of

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ECPR-COSMOS Summer School

ECPR-COSMOS Summer School

Cosmos. The Centre on Social Movement Studies 2019 ECPR-COSMOS Summer School on Methods for the Study of Political Participation and Mobilisation The Call for Application is now open for the Third Edition of the Summer School on Methods for the Study

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The changing role of citizen engagement

The changing role of citizen engagement

European Consortium for Political Research The Changing Role of Citizen Engagement in Today’s Challenges: Participation, Movements, Protest Endorsed by the ECPR Standing Group on Participation and Mobilisation Abstract This Section aims to bring together panels around current issues in the study

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Presentación del libro The Zapatista Movement

Presentación del libro The Zapatista Movement

La División de Estudios Políticos se complace en invitarle a la presentación del libro The Zapatista Movement and Mexico’s Democratic Transition Mobilization, Success, and Survival María Inclán* Based on an original database of protest events, mobilizing groups, concessions, repressive measures, and

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Revista Movimientos, vol.3, núm.1

Revista Movimientos, vol. 3, núm. 1

Red Mexicana de Estudios de los Movimientos Sociales Los movimientos sociales en el México contemporáneo III (Enero-Junio de 2019) En este número, la revista Movimientos presenta cinco artículos, una entrevista, una crónica y dos reseñas. En el primer artículo titulado Neozapatismo

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Movimientos sociales en el siglo XXI

Portada Movimientos sociales en el siglo XXI

Movimientos sociales en el siglo XXI  Perspectivas y herramientas analíticas Geoffrey Pleyers. “Este libro es de lectura obligatoria especialmente para los estudiosos de los movimientos sociales en América latina. Sus análisis abarcan un conjunto muy rico de movimientos sociales para

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Social Movements and Parties in a Fractured Media Landscape

Social Movements and Parties in a Fractured Media Landscape

Call for Papers – Social Movements and Parties in a Fractured Media Landscape The call for papers is now open for a two-day symposium held under the auspices of the journal ‘Information, Communication & Society’ (iCS) at the Centre on

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