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Structure/Agency, Disruption/Moderation and Social Movement Success

Structure/Agency, Disruption/Moderation and Social Movement Success

What the Experts Say: Structure/Agency, Disruption/Moderation and Social Movement Success Contributors: Janneke Drent Ruud Wouters Introduction Does protest matter? Does it have any impact? Or, put differently and more precisely, what can be considered ‘movement success’, and which factors facilitate

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Breaking Down the State: Protestors Engaged

Duyvendak, Jan Willem (editor) Jasper, James M. (editor) In this important book, Jan Willem Duyvendak and James M. Jasper bring together an internationally acclaimed group of contributors to demonstrate the complexities of the social and political spheres in various areas

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Premio Cátedra Jorge Alonso 2024

Premio Cátedra Jorge Alonso 2024

El Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social y la Universidad de Guadalajara convocan a las personas interesadas y los egresados de posgrados en el año 2023 para presentar tesis de doctorado en el marco del Premio Cátedra

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New Patterns for Mobilization for – and against – Democracy

Call for Applications: Post-doctoral and Senior Research Fellowships in Bogotá, Colombia New Patterns for Mobilization for – and against – Democracy The OSUN Forum on Democracy and Development by CEU Democracy Institute in Budapest, Universidad de Los Andes in Bogotá,

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New perspectives on social movements and social change

Ph D Course: New perspectives on social movements and social change 3-5 June 2024 Forum for Civil Society and Social Movement Research, University of Gothenburg (CSM-RESIST) Course Leaders: Håkan Thörn and Mattias Wahlström With around 15 researchers studying different forms

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Leadership, Organizing and Action: Leading Change

Leadership, Organizing and Action: Leading Change

Program Overview Effective organizing requires an understanding of how to identify, recruit and develop leadership, build community around that leadership and harness the power from the resources of that community. Led by Faculty Chair Marshall Ganz, Leadership, Organizing and Action:

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Chile en movimientos

Chile en movimientos

Librería Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Ciencias Sociales Karla Henríquez. Geoffrey Pleyers. [Compiladores/as] Kathya Araujo. [Autora de Prólogo] Karla Henríquez. Geoffrey Pleyers. Alexis Cortés. Antoine Maillet. Camila Varas Zepeda. Carolina Gainza Cortés. Dasten Julián-Vejar. Fernando Pairicán Padilla. Gonzalo Delamaza. Ignacio Riffo

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Acción colectiva, protestas y movimientos sociales

Acción colectiva, protestas y movimientos sociales

Seminario del Posgrado de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM Acción colectiva, protestas y movimientos sociales Impartido por: Dr. Jorge Cadena-Roa y Dr. Johan Gordillo-García Inicio: 9 de agosto de 2023 Cierre: 23 de noviembre de 2023 Jueves

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Handbook of Civil Society and Social Movements in Small States

Handbook of Civil Society and Social Movements in Small States

Edited By Lino Briguglio, Michael Briguglio, Sheila Bunwaree, Claire Slatter Published February 22, 2023 by Routledge Description This volume is unique because of its focus on small states. There are many studies on civil society and social movements, but none

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Cine-foro: Alejandra o la inocencia de Vlady

Universidad de Guadalajara Centro Universitario de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Departamento de Estudios de Movimientos Sociales Ciclo de Cine en Movimiento Documental: Alejandra o la inocencia de Vlady. Para conmemorar el 50 aniversario de la Liga Comunista 23 de Septiembre.

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