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Social Movements after the Global Crash

Social Movements after the Global Crash

Call for Conference Participants Social Movements after the Global Crash: Looking Back, Looking Forward Social Movement Studies Journal Conference June 27-29, 2019, Loughborough University, London Campus The Editors of Social Movement Studies invite interested scholars and activists to submit expressions

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Social Movements and Political Participation

Social Movements and Political Participation

ECPR General Conference – Hamburg – 22-25 August 2018  Section: Connecting Social Movement Studies and Political Participation Research  Panel title: From social movement participation to informal (political) participation and vice-versa ? It seems that more and more people are engaging

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Call for proposals: Media and Communication Activism

Media and Communication Activism

Call for Proposals Media and Communication Activism: The Empowerment Practices of Social Movements A Book Series for Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group Submission Deadline: 15 November 2018 This Routledge series edited by Claudia Magallanes Blanco, Alice Mattoni, and Charlotte Ryan will grapple with recurring issues

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Social movements and the third sector

Social movements and the third sector

Social movements and the third sector in welfare systems’ transformations Call for paper, PACO 12(2): 2019 Guest Editors: Sandro Busso (Università di Torino): Nicola De Luigi (Università di Bologna): The growing significance of the so-called “organized civil society actors” and

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Research on protest and social movements

Research on protest and social movements

Call for donations: For an independent, self-organized research on protest and social movements!  Independent, self-organized research costs money…  We want to ensure the funding of the infrastructure of the Institute for Protest- und Social Movement Studies (ipb). For this, we

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Social Movements Between Past and Present

Call for Papers Spain: Social Movements Between Past and Present University of Cambridge 8th June 2018 Social movements in Spain have increasingly attracted academic and popular attention over the last years. Political mobilisations are frequently treated as spontaneous phenomena, divorced

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Politicologenetmaal 2018 | Leiden University

Politicologenetmaal 2018 | Leiden University

Politicologenetmaal 2018 Leiden University, 7-8 June 2018 CALL FOR PAPERS The ‘Politicologenetmaal’ (‘24-hour Political Science Conference’) will be jointly organized for the 17th time by the Dutch Political Science Association (NKWP) and the Association for Political Science (VPW). This time

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Squatting Europe Kollective, Conference 2018

Squatting Europe Kollective, Conference 2018

SqEK (Squatting Europe Kollective) 2018, Catania – CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS The SqEK meeting will take place in Catania (Sicily) from 13th June to 17th June 2018. The main purpose of the coming SqEK meeting is to share experiences and studies

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The consequences between media and movements

The consequences of the multifaceted interactions between media and movements

Connecting Social Movement Studies and Political Participation Research Endorsed by the ECPR Standing Group on Participation and Mobilisation Abstract This Section aims to bring together Panels around current issues in the study of political participation and social movements. As various

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Social classes and social movements (mailing-list)

Social classes and social movements (mailing-list)

International Sociological Asociation- ISA Research Committee Social classes and social movements RC47 MANIFESTO FOR INTERNATIONAL COLLECTIVE ACTION RESEARCH Since our origins in Mexico City in 1982, Research Committee 47 has had as its central theme the problem of social movements,

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