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US Forum on Cultural Diplomacy

US Forum on Cultural Diplomacy “The Importance of Cultural Diplomacy in Turbulent Times” (Washington D.C.; March 14-16th, 2023) Forum Overview The US Forum on Democracy & Peace will take place in Washington D.C and will present successful cultural diplomacy practices

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UK Forum on Cultural Diplomacy

UK Forum on Cultural Diplomacy

UK Forum on Cultural Diplomacy “From Ending Conflicts via Copping Migration to Restoring Growth: Advanced Cultural Diplomacy Methods” London; February 27th – 29th, 2024 Forum Overview The UK Forum on Democracy & Peace will take place in London and will

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Forum on Democracy & Peace

Forum on Democracy & Peace

Forum on Democracy & Peace “Growing Threats for Democracy Around the World” (Berlin; February 21st – 24th, 2024) – Held Parallel to the Berlin Film Festival 2024 Forum Overview The World Forum on Democracy & Peace 2024 will take place in Berlin from February

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Cómo y por qué citar fuentes en trabajos académicos

Dirigida a estudiantes de bachillerato y licenciatura Cómo y por qué citar fuentes en trabajos académicos, nueva guía escolar El libro es un esfuerzo colectivo en el que participaron diversas dependencias universitarias Daniel Francisco [Texto tomado de Gaceta UNAM] El

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Voluntas, volume 34, Issue 5

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations Official journal of the International Society for Third-Sector Research Latin America Special Issue: Civil society in Latin America: Experiments, Resilience, New Utopias. Guest Editors: Humberto Muñoz Grandé & Patricia Maria E. Mendonça

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Leadership, Organizing and Action: Leading Change

Leadership, Organizing and Action: Leading Change

Program Overview Effective organizing requires an understanding of how to identify, recruit and develop leadership, build community around that leadership and harness the power from the resources of that community. Led by Faculty Chair Marshall Ganz, Leadership, Organizing and Action:

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Researching social movements

Council for European Studies Social Movements Research Network Pre-Conference 1-2 July 2024 ENS de Lyon (Site Descartes) Call for Papers Researching social movements: methodological, ethical and political challenges Today, social movements research is a consolidated field that has grown along

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How Protests and Counterprotests Interact

Call for Abstracts for Special Issue: How Protests and Counterprotests Interact: Mutual Influences, Context Conditions and Consequences American Behavioral Scientist Special Issue Editors: Priska Daphi, Bielefeld University Sebastian Haunss, University of Bremen Saif Shahin, Tilburg University Counterprotests have long been

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Global Contentious Politics Dataset (GLOCON)

Global Contentious Politics Dataset (GLOCON) is the first multi-country protest event database for the Global South that uses local sources for automated data collection. GLOCON records diverse types of events, including but not limited to demonstrations, rallies, strikes, clashes, and

Publicado en: Eventos de protesta

Conferencia sobre situación de calle en América Latina 2023

Del 30 de octubre al 3 de noviembre en Ciudad de México Contactos: Alí Ruiz Coronel (, Ignacio Eissmann ( e Isabel Lacalle ( Programa final>> Información general del evento>>

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