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Mobilization: Memories and Movements

Call for papers: Memories and Movements

Mobilization publishes research on social and political movements Special Issue: Call for Papers Memories and Movements In recent years, movement scholars have become increasingly interested in the nexus between movements and memories. At the same time, memory studies are paying

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Nuestra América: Justice and Inclusion.

Nuestra América: Justice and Inclusion

LASA2019 Nuestra América: Justice and Inclusion BOSTON, USA / MAY 24 –27, 2019 José Martí’s essay “Nuestra América” was published in 1891 in New York and Mexico City in response to the first Pan-American conference in 1890, which proposed Pan-Americanism

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Social Movements and Political Participation

Social Movements and Political Participation

ECPR General Conference – Hamburg – 22-25 August 2018  Section: Connecting Social Movement Studies and Political Participation Research  Panel title: From social movement participation to informal (political) participation and vice-versa ? It seems that more and more people are engaging

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Journal of Transdisciplinary Peace Praxis

Journal of Transdisciplinary Peace Praxis

Call for papers The Journal of Transdisciplinary Peace Praxis (JTPP), a new scholarly journal of contemplative cutting edge research and practice on subjects related to human social flourishing and peace, invites submissions that explore the complex intersections between resource consumption/management

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Social movements and the right to the city

Social movements and the rigth to the city

Council for European Studies Social Movements Research Network Pre-Conference 18-19 June 2019. Madrid, Spain Call for Papers  Social Movements and the right to the City In recent years, many cities have been strongly affected by a fiscal crisis and austerity measures

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Leisure, activism, and the animation of the urban environment

Leisure, activism, and the animation of the urban environment

Leisure Studies We Invite you to Submit to a Special Issue Guest Editors: Ian R. Lamond, Leeds Beckett University, UK Brett Lashua, Leeds Beckett University, UK Chelsea Reid, Leeds Beckett University, UK There is a long history to leisure and

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VI Coloquio Internacional Movimientos sociales

VI Coloquio Internacional Movimientos sociales

VI Coloquio Internacional “Movimientos sociales, memorias y procesos de resistencia en el capitalismo del siglo XXI” La Facultad de Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México convoca a presentar, antes del 10 de agosto, ponencias para el VI Coloquio Internacional “Movimientos

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A Call for Research: Technology, Inequality, and Information Policy

A Call for Research: Technology, Inequality, and Information Policy

The MIC Center is supporting new research that explores the connections between inequality and technology with a specific focus on journalism, policy, work, and social movements. Our society is caught in a growing paradox. On one hand we are in

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Call for proposals: Media and Communication Activism

Media and Communication Activism

Call for Proposals Media and Communication Activism: The Empowerment Practices of Social Movements A Book Series for Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group Submission Deadline: 15 November 2018 This Routledge series edited by Claudia Magallanes Blanco, Alice Mattoni, and Charlotte Ryan will grapple with recurring issues

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Resistencias y emociones en contextos represivos

Resistencias y emociones en contextos represivos

Convocatoria Nº 53 (Agosto 2019) “Resistencias y emociones en contextos represivos” Editores/as Lente de Aproximación: Alice Poma, Tommaso Gravante (Ed, invitadxs) y Juan Pablo Paredes (Ed. de sección) Plazo de recepción: 31 de enero del 2019 Desde los años noventa

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