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Reassessing Religion and Social Movements

Reassessing Religion and Social Movements

Reassessing Religion and Social Movements: From Rebellious Clergy to Counter-Hegemonic Theology and Praxis Guest Editors: Dr. Paul-Francois Tremlett Central Academic Staff, Senior Lecturer in Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences & Global Studies, Open

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Violence and emotions

Violence and emotions

Violence and emotions. Towards a description of everyday violence Violence: An international journal Violence: An international journal is launching a call for papers on the theme “Violence and emotions. Towards a description of everyday violence”. This special issue will be

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Alternative Futures & Popular Protest 2024

Alternative Futures & Popular Protest 2024

Call for Papers Alternative Futures & Popular Protest (AFPP) is an international, cross-disciplinary conference on social movements, protest and cognate topics. It has drawn participants from over 60 countries, whether based in departments of sociology, politics, cultural studies, psychology, economics,

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Premio Cátedra Jorge Alonso 2024

Premio Cátedra Jorge Alonso 2024

El Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social y la Universidad de Guadalajara convocan a las personas interesadas y los egresados de posgrados en el año 2023 para presentar tesis de doctorado en el marco del Premio Cátedra

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Democracy and society challenges

International Conference on Political Sociology Democracy and society challenges, risks and opportunities for contemporary democracies BOLOGNA 10-11-12 OCTOBER 2024 The Political Sociology Section of the Italian Sociological Association (AIS), together with leading international associations of political sociology, is promoting an

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Leadership, Organizing and Action: Leading Change

Leadership, Organizing and Action: Leading Change

Program Overview Effective organizing requires an understanding of how to identify, recruit and develop leadership, build community around that leadership and harness the power from the resources of that community. Led by Faculty Chair Marshall Ganz, Leadership, Organizing and Action:

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Researching social movements

Council for European Studies Social Movements Research Network Pre-Conference 1-2 July 2024 ENS de Lyon (Site Descartes) Call for Papers Researching social movements: methodological, ethical and political challenges Today, social movements research is a consolidated field that has grown along

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How Protests and Counterprotests Interact

Call for Abstracts for Special Issue: How Protests and Counterprotests Interact: Mutual Influences, Context Conditions and Consequences American Behavioral Scientist Special Issue Editors: Priska Daphi, Bielefeld University Sebastian Haunss, University of Bremen Saif Shahin, Tilburg University Counterprotests have long been

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Protest and Social Cohesion

Protest and Social Cohesion: Comparing Local Protest Dynamics

At the University of Bremen at the SOCIUM, Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Haunss invites applications for the following academic position within the BMBF funded research project Protest and Social Cohesion: Comparing Local Protest Dynamics

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Acción colectiva, protestas y movimientos sociales

Acción colectiva, protestas y movimientos sociales

Seminario del Posgrado de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM Acción colectiva, protestas y movimientos sociales Impartido por: Dr. Jorge Cadena-Roa y Dr. Johan Gordillo-García Inicio: 9 de agosto de 2023 Cierre: 23 de noviembre de 2023 Jueves

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