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IPSA-FLACSO Mexico Summer School 2017

summer school IPSA_FLACSO

The Summer School will be held in FLACSO Mexico from July 10th to July 21st, 2017. It offers advanced and high quality research methods both quantitative and qualitative. This social sciences training is taught by a renowned team of highly

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Doctoral, Post-Doctoral and Junior Faculty Research Fellowship on Civil Resistance

ICNC Research Fellowship

The International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC) announces its 2017 Doctoral, Post-Doctoral & Junior Faculty Research Fellowship in support of research and writing on civil resistance. For 2017, $20,000 in total has been allotted for the program. Each fellowship award will be between $2,000

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Call for papers: Progressive Catholicism in Latin America and Europe (1950s–1980s)

Progressive Catholicism

KADOC-KU Leuven, Documentation and Research Centre on Religion, Culture and Society Centre for Liberation Theologies, Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, KU Leuven Department of History at Sciences Po (Paris) Power in History, Antwerp University Call for papers This conference on progressive

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Call for papers: The Contemporary Public Sphere – Protest Movements and Populist Actors


CALL FOR PAPERS As part of the XIII Conference of the Spanish Political Science Association (Santiago de Compostela, 20-22 September 2017), we are organising a panel on ‘The Contemporary Public Sphere – Protest Movements and Populist Actors’. The panel welcomes

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Organised Crime Today: Networks, Routes and Criminal Partnerships

ECPR Standing Group on Organised Crime

After the success of The ECPR Standing Group on Organised Crime’s first General Conference in Naples in December 2015, the Standing Group now welcomes the submission of abstracts for papers to our 2nd General Conference to be held at the

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Beca Fulbright-García Robles de Negocios Binacionales en Estados Unidos

COMEXUS- Beca Fulbright-García Robles de Negocios Binacionales en Estados Unidos

Descripción del Programa – Negocios Binacionales: Oportunidad para estudiantes mexicanos recién egresados de licenciatura o maestría, o para jóvenes profesionistas, de realizar una pasantía en una empresa y de estudiar hasta cuatro cursos de administración y/o finanzas de nivel maestría en

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Call for Applications: Summer School on “Media in Political Participation and Mobilization”

Scuola Normale Superiore

The Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Scuola Normale Superiore invites applications for the upcoming Summer School on “Media in Political Participation and Mobilization” which will be held in Florence (Italy) in June 2017, from Monday 26th to

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Call for Papers: Religion in Social Movements, Rebellions and Revolutions

Association for Sociology of Religion

Call for Papers Religion in Social Movements, Rebellions and Revolutions for a panel proposal to the Association for Sociology of Religion Annual Meeting Montreal, Canada August 13-14, 2017 Karl Marx’s quotation that religion is the “opium of the people” is

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Call for papers: ¿Qué cuentan los actores de la violencia organizada en América Latina?

Para un libro colectivo sobre violencia organizada en América Latina, estamos convocando estudios basados en entrevistas a profundidad con los actores de la violencia organizada, sea ésta privada o pública. Los autores cuyos trabajos sean seleccionados serán invitados a un

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2017 AAA Panel: The Beginnings and the Ends of Revolution

american anthropological association

CfP: 2017 American Anthropological Association (Washington DC, 29/11-03/12) Panel: The Beginnings and the Ends of Revolution: The Legacy of the October Revolution and Emancipatory Action Organizers: Mariya Ivancheva (University of Leeds) Saygun Gökarıksel (Bogazici University) Discussant: Don Kalb (Central European

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