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1st Summer School for Young Urban Scholars

1st Summer School for Young Urban Scholars

European Sociological Association Research Network 37: Urban Sociology What we are organizing The RN37 – Urban Sociology of ESA is organizing its first Summer School for Young Urban Scholars, an event entirely dedicated to PhD students and young non-tenured researchers.

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Publica en la revista Realidad, Datos y Espacio

Publica en la revista Realidad, Datos y Espacio

Convocatoria abierta para publicar en Realidad, datos y espacio. Revista internacional de Estadística y Geografía, 2023 El Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) hace una atenta invitación a enviar trabajos inéditos y originales (artículos de investigación, revisión y divulgación;

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History of Work: Remembering E.P. Thompson

History of Work: Remembering E.P. Thompson

‘History of Work: Remembering E.P. Thompson’, Conference, 2023′ ‘It is neither poverty nor disease but work itself which casts the blackest shadow over the years of the Industrial Revolution.’ (Thompson [1963] 2013a, pp. 487-8) The 60th Anniversary of E.P. Thompson’s

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3rd PhD Workshop (RC48 Social Movements / ISA)

RC48 Social Movements, Collective Action and Social Change International Sociological Association About this PhD Workshop The aim of the ISA RC48 PhD Workshop is to invite international PhD students working in the field of social movements to discuss their doctoral

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Governance by Numbers and its Discontents

Governance by Numbers and its Discontents

Governance by Numbers and its Discontents 29-30 June 2023, University College Dublin (UCD) Workshop organizers: Lorenzo Cini, Roland Erne, and Bianca Föhrer MSCF project COGONU ( ERC project European Unions ( Algorithms are seen as an effective tool for managing

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ECPR General Conference Section on Participation & Mobilization

ECPR General Conference Section on Participation & Mobilization

Participation and Mobilization between Crises, Polarization, and new Challenges to Democracy Abstract This Section aims to bring together Panels around current issues in the study of political participation and social movements. The Covid-19 pandemic and the widespread counter-measures, as well

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Protest, Resistance, and Democratic Retreat

Protest, Resistance, and Democratic Retreat

Call for Papers Plenary sessions will explore the latest research on challenges to democratic institutions—especially from the right—and how they affect nonviolent resistance and social movement mobilization. What can we learn from other democracies in Western Europe, Eastern Europe, South

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Continuities and transformations in forms of collective action

Continuities and transformations in forms of collective action

Call for Papers for a Special Issue on “Continuities and transformations in forms of collective action”, to be published in the open access Journal Società Mutamento Politica ( Abstracts up to 500 words are due 28th February 2023. Continuities and

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Alternative Futures and Popular Protest

Alternative Futures and Popular Protest

We are delighted to announce that the 2023 conference will be held in person. We look forward to welcoming delegates to Manchester for the first time in three years, with all of the informal socialising, organising, and collaborating that that

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2023 ECPR-COSMOS Summer School

2023 ECPR-COSMOS Summer School

2023 ECPR-COSMOS Summer School on Methods for the Study of Political Participation and Mobilisation The Call for Application is now open for the Fourth Edition of the Summer School on Methods for the Study of Political Participation and Mobilisation, organized

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