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Recuperación con igualdad de género y justicia climática

Recuperación con igualdad de género y justicia climática

CONVOCATORIA DE INVESTIGACION PARA MUJERES Y HOMBRES JÓVENES INVESTIGADORXS – ACTIVISTAS Fundamentos Si bien a lo largo del trienio 2018-2020, la región latinoamericana venía mostrando claros signos de deterioro de la situación política, económica y social, no hay dudas que

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Issues and Perspectives in the Study of Social Movement Impacts

Issues and Perspectives in the Study of Social Movement Impacts

Call for Papers  Issues and Perspectives in the Study of Social Movement Impacts  27 May 2022  Institute of Citizenship Studies, University of Geneva Geneva, Switzerland Organizers: César Guzmán-Concha (UNIGE), Marco Giugni (UNIGE).  Keynote speakers: Jennifer Earl (U. Arizona), Lorenzo Bosi

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Radical Climate Justice for the Global Commons

Radical Climate Justice for the Global Commons

CALL for PARTICIPATION in our 2021 CONFERENCE and THEMATIC PROGRAM of EVENTS: – RADICAL CLIMATE JUSTICE for the GLOBAL COMMONS – In 2021 we find ourselves facing a decade at the climate crossroads. On August 9, 2021 the UN’s International

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Alternatives to Capitalism in the 21st Century

Alternatives to Capitalism in the 21st Century

Series editors: Lara Monticelli, Copenhagen Business School, and Torsten Geelan, University of Copenhagen The COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing global economic recession of unprecedented depth is a ‘once in a generation’ opportunity to challenge capitalism and transition to a more equitable, democratic, solidaristic

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Reflections on COVID-19 and the ‘Vaccine Question’

Reflections on COVID-19 and the ‘Vaccine Question’

Grassroots, the Newsletter of the Research Committee on Social Movements, Collective Action and Social Change (RC 48) Newsletter Central Topic: RC48 Members’ Reflections on COVID-19 and the ‘Vaccine Question’ Call for collaborations  While vaccine rollout has gained pace especially in

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Conference Speaking Truth to Power

Conference Speaking Truth to Power

WAPOR 74th Annual Conference November 2-6, 2021 | Online Conference Call for Proposals Submission Deadline: Monday, May 24, 2021 The World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) will hold its 74th Annual Conference ONLINE due to global travel restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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3er Workshop de Investigación en Imaginarios y Representaciones

3er Workshop de Investigación en Imaginarios y Representaciones

Red Iberoamericana de Investigación en Imaginarios y Representaciones (RIIR) Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana III Workshop Internacional (virtual): Investigación en Imaginarios y Representaciones. Del 25 al 29 de octubre, 2021 Grupos de trabajo: 1. Comunicología Coordinadores: Rubén Dittus (Universidad Central de Chile) Daniel

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Concurso Nacional de Tesis sobre Estudios Electorales

Concurso Nacional de Tesis sobre Estudios Electorales

La SOCIEDAD MEXICANA DE ESTUDIOS ELECTORALES A. C. con el fin de promover el conocimiento científico de los procesos electorales y de las instituciones político-partidarias de México y otras naciones, así como estimular la investigación teórica y empírica de todos

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Active Civil Society

Active Civil Society

ISTR Asia-Pacific Regional Conference 8-10 December 2021 CALL FOR PAPERS Active Civil Society: Post-crises Rebuilding, Mobilising and Innovating  Special Programming for PhD Students on 7 December 2021 Sabah, Malaysia 2020 has been marked by dramatic dislocations and disruptions including the

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The Sociology of Vulnerabilities and Resistance

The Sociology of Vulnerabilities and Resistance

The Philippine Sociological Society will hold its annual conference with the theme: “The Sociology of Vulnerabilities and Resistance: New and Emerging Challenges to Lives, Communities, and Places.” This International Conference seeks to bring in a range of diverse voices that

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