Presentación del libro «Revolutionary Violence and the New Left. Transnational Perspectives»

Eduardo Rey Tristán y Alberto Martínez Álvarez (ed.), Revolutionary Violence and the New Left: Transnational Perspectives, Londres, Routledge, 2017

Eduardo Rey Tristán and Alberto Martínez Álvarez (ed.), Revolutionary Violence and the New Left: Transnational Perspectives, Londres, Routledge, 2017

On November 3rd, at 12:30pm in ICC 462 (Center for Latin American Studies/Georgetown University) a conversation will be held with the editors of the recently published book Revolutionary Violence and the New Left: Transnational Perspectives (Routledge, 2017), edited by Alberto Martin Álvarez and Eduardo Rey Tristán.

Available for pre-order HERE the book edited by the network coordinators, Alberto Martín Álvarez and Eduardo Rey Tristán, Revolutionary Violence and the New Left. Transnational Perspectives, published by Routledge.

About the book:

Leading figures and rising stars in the field present the first contribution explaining the transnational nature of the revolutionary violence of the New Left. Focusing on the processes of dissemination of ideologies and mobilization of ideas and repertoires of action among the revolutionary organizations of the New Left in Latin America, Europe, and the United States, this book contributes to our understanding of the dynamics of the New Left wave and, at the same time, helps explain the “why” of the emergence of very similar armed leftist groups in vastly different geographical and political contexts.

Table of contents

Introduction. Alberto Martín Álvarez and Eduardo Rey Tristán

1. Reflections on the Third or New Left Wave: 17 Years Later. David C. Rapoport

Part I: The Origins and Diffusion of the Wave

2. The Cuban Connection. The Departamento America and the Latin American Revolutions. Dirk Kruijt

3. The role of the Left – wing editors on the diffusion of the New Left wave. The case of Giangiacomo Feltrinelli. Eduardo Rey Tristán and Guillermo Gracia Santos

4. The Legitimization of Latin-American guerrilla warfare in the Italian Radical Catholicism. Guido Panvini

5. Hitler’s Children? German Terrorism as Part of the Transnational ‘New Left Wave’. Petra Terhoeven

6. The Impact of the Third World and the Armed Struggle Debate on the People’s Liberation Front. Spain, 1958-1965. Eudald Cortina Orero

7. Transnational Ties of the Japanese Armed Left. Shared Revolutionary Ideas and Direct Personal Contacts. Patricia G. Steinhoff

Part II: Building a Transnational Imagined Community

8. Frames of Injustice across Borders. Revolutionary Left and Police Repression in Italy, France, and the USA. Luca Falciola

9. Floating with the Tide. The Formation of the “Third Wave” and the Influx of American Radicals. Daniel Kaiser & Holger Marcks

10. The Long Wave. The New Left in Guatemala, Nicaragua and El Salvador. Alberto Martín Álvarez

[Texto tomado de Revolutionary Left]

Historiador formado en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (FFyL) de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Programador formado en la Escuela de Código de la Agencia Digital de Innovación Pública (ADIP) del Gobierno de la Ciudad de México. Se desempeña como Coordinador de Tecnología en el Consejo Mexicano de Ciencias Sociales (COMECSO) y como investigador asociado y desarrollador principal del Laboratorio de Análisis de Organizaciones y Movimientos Sociales (LAOMS) del Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades (CEIICH) de la UNAM. Ha escrito sobre el siglo XIX mexicano, la acción colectiva, protestas y movimientos sociales. Parte de su producción puede consultarse en

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