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Interface volume 10 issues 1 & 2

Interface volume 10 issues 1 & 2

Interface: a journal for and about social movements Volume 10 (1-2): 1 – 3 (2018) In this issue We start with a piece on this very topic. Working to understand the challenges of developing and maintaining autonomous media, Canadian scholar-activists,

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Interface Call for papers volume 11

Interface Call for papers volume 11 issue 2

Call for papers volume 11 issue 2 (Nov-Dec 2019) Understanding and challenging right-wing movements  Lesley Wood, Heike Schaumberg, Sara C. Motta, Laurence Cox and Irina Ceric The November-December 2019 issue of the open-access, online, copy left academic/activist journal Interface: a

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Publicado en: Convocatorias

Brazil’s Long Revolution | Anthony Pahnke

Brazil's Long Revolution | Anthony Pahnke

Brazil’s Long Revolution Radical Achievements of the Landless Workers Movement Anthony Pahnke (Author) Economic crises in the Global North and South are forcing activists to think about alternatives. Neoliberal economic policies and austerity measures have been debated and implemented around the

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The Digital Party. Political Organisation and Online Democracy

The Digital Party. Political Organisation and Online Democracy

Paolo Gerbaudo From the Pirate Parties in Northern Europe to Podemos in Spain and the 5-Star Movement in Italy, from the movements behind Bernie Sanders in the US and Jeremy Corbyn in UK, to Jean-Luc Melenchon’s presidential bid in France,

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Hybrid Media Activism | Emiliano Treré

Hybrid Media Activism | Emiliano Treré

Hybrid Media Activism: Ecologies, Imaginaries, Algorithms By Emiliano Treré Description This book is an extensive investigation of the complexities, ambiguities and shortcomings of contemporary digital activism. The author deconstructs the reductionism of the literature on social movements and communication, proposing

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Presentación del libro The Zapatista Movement

Presentación del libro The Zapatista Movement

La División de Estudios Políticos se complace en invitarle a la presentación del libro The Zapatista Movement and Mexico’s Democratic Transition Mobilization, Success, and Survival María Inclán* Based on an original database of protest events, mobilizing groups, concessions, repressive measures, and

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Publicado en: Eventos, Eventos externos

Social Movements and Parties in a Fractured Media Landscape

Social Movements and Parties in a Fractured Media Landscape

Call for Papers – Social Movements and Parties in a Fractured Media Landscape The call for papers is now open for a two-day symposium held under the auspices of the journal ‘Information, Communication & Society’ (iCS) at the Centre on

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Greek Social Movements between Past and Present

Call for papers International  Conference Greek Social Movements between Past and Present 5-6 April 2019, Athens From the fall of the seven-year military dictatorship to the end of the Cold War (1974-1990), Greece has experienced almost two decades of unprecedented

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Resistance and its Repression

Resistance and its Repression: Illiberal Democracies East and West Third Anual Mobilization Conference May 10-11,  2019 San Diego State University The Third SDSU Conference on Social Movements and Nonviolent Protest: Resistance and Its Repression: Illiberal Democracies East and West This

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Social Movements And The Right To The City

Council for European Studies Social Movements Research Network Pre-Conference 18-19 June 2019 Madrid, Spain Call for Papers  Social Movements And The Right To The City In recent years, many cities have been strongly affected by a fiscal crisis and austerity

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