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Encuesta COVID-19 México

Encuesta COVID-19 México

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México UNAM  Objetivo Identificar indicadores a partir de la encuesta que informen sobre las capacidades de respuesta y la vulnerabilidad socioeconómica de la población a las medidas de contención frente al COVID-19 mediante mapas de vulnerabilidad.

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XVII Congreso Centroamericano de Sociología

XVII Congreso Centroamericano de Sociología

XVII CONGRESO CENTROAMERICANO DE SOCIOLOGÍA Y ASOCIACIÓN CENTROAMERICANA DE SOCIOLOGÍA (ACAS) SAN SALVADOR 26-30 DE OCTUBRE DE 2020. La Asociación Centroamericana de Sociología (ACAS). y la Asociación Salvadoreña de Sociólogos, Sociólogas y profesionales de las Ciencias  Sociales (ASS), se complacen

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Social Movement Networks in Times of Crisis

Social Movement Networks in Times of Crisis

ECPR General Conference University of Innsbruck, Austria 26 – 28 August 2020 Endorsed by the ECPR Standing Group on Political Networks Abstract The Political Networks Section aims to provide a multidisciplinary space of convergence for scholars that, while holding diverse research interests

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9th Annual Radical Democracy Conference

9th Annual Radical Democracy Conference

The New School for Social Research, New York Friday, April 10th – Saturday, April 11th, 2020  Call for Papers “Radical Ecologies” EXTENDED DEADLINE: February 15, 2020 The 9th annual Radical Democracy conference, sponsored by the Department of Politics at The

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Movimientos sociales, acción colectiva y política (2020)

Movimientos sociales, acción colectiva y política (2020)

Observatorio de Movimientos Sociales – Observamos Presenta Seminario permanente: Movimientos sociales, acción colectiva y política. Departamento de Estudios sobre Movimientos Sociales (DESMOS) Este seminario se ha creado con la finalidad de tener un espacio y un punto de encuentro entre

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Conference On Capitalism & Contention

Conference On Capitalism & Contention

The goal of this conference is to facilitate dialogue and debate among scholars and students who are working at the intersection of political economy and social movement studies. Keynote speaker: Vivek Chibber (New York University), “Movements and the Many Lives of

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Alternative Futures & Popular Protest 2020

Alternative Futures & Popular Protest 2020

The 25th edition of Alternative Futures and Popular Protest will take place on 6-8th April 2020 at the University of Manchester. AFPP is an international, cross-disciplinary conference on social movements, protest and cognate topics. It has drawn participants from over

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New perspectives on political consumerism and consumption

New perspectives on political consumerism and consumption

SPECIAL  ISSUE  INFORMATION Affluent societies are experiencing an increasing trend which sees consumers use the shopping bag to move from being passive consumers to becoming active citizens. Consumers’ daily actions charged with political meaning and aiming at promoting economic, social

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Faces of Change

Faces of Change

Introducing — Faces of Change An ongoing series to amplify the stories of people developing leadership and enabling communities to create change all over the world. We are in a moment in time when our ability to work together —

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Realiza tu servicio social en el LAOMS

Realiza tu servicio social en el LAOMS

El Laboratorio de Análisis de Organizaciones y Movimientos Sociales te invita a realizar tu servicio social o prácticas profesionales con el 90% de actividades en línea. Podrás obtener una beca con vigencia de un año y capacitación constante. Alumnos o

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