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Fathomless Futures: Algorithmic and Imagined

Fathomless Futures: Algorithmic and Imagined

Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) Annual Meeting 2019 Conference Theme “Fathomless Futures: Algorithmic and Imagined”¹ At the New School for Social Research, New York City, NY, USA “Alternatives to Capitalism” Research Network I. 27-29 June 2019  Conference Theme Overview

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Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging

14th Conference European Sociological Association Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging 20-23 august 2019 Manchester, United Kungdom Abstract submission deadline: 1st february 2019 In encouraging presenters and other conference participants to think Beyond Europe we wish to consider contemporary developments, processes,

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Call for papers “Youth Cultures and Subcultures”

Call for papers “Youth Cultures and Subcultures”

Special Issue Editor Guest Editor Dr. Carlo Genova Department of Culture, Politics and Society, University of Turin, Turin, Italy Deadline for manuscript submissions: 15 May 2019 Special Issue Information The study of youth cultures and of youth subcultures has a

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Violence, Space and the Archives

Violence, Space and the Archives

CFP: ‘Violence, Space and the Archives’ 23-24 May 2019, National University of Ireland Galway We invite paper submissions from across the disciplinary spectrum for a conference on ‘Violence, Space and the Archives’ to examine the challenges and possibilities presented by

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Greek Social Movements between Past and Present

Call for papers International  Conference Greek Social Movements between Past and Present 5-6 April 2019, Athens From the fall of the seven-year military dictatorship to the end of the Cold War (1974-1990), Greece has experienced almost two decades of unprecedented

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X Premio Iberoamericano en Ciencias Sociales

X Premio Iberoamericano en Ciencias Sociales

Con objeto de promover y fomentar el desarrollo de las Ciencias Sociales en el ámbito iberoamericano, así como la producción de investigaciones  que  contribuyan sustantivamente al  conocimiento  de lo social, el Instituto  de Investigaciones Sociales de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma

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The Contentious Politics of Solidarity

The Contentious Politics of Solidarity

Call for Papers The Contentious Politics of Solidarity International Conference, 16-17 May 2019, Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence Organizers: Donatella della Porta & Elias Steinhilper Keynotes: Donatella della Porta & Engin Isin Documentary screening: “IUVENTA” with the director Michele Cinque Acts

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Reshaping the World: Rethinking Borders

Reshaping the World: Rethinking Borders

Social Science an Open Acces Journal by MDPI Special Issue Reshaping the World: Rethinking Borders Guest Editor: Dr. Ernesto Castañeda American University, Department of Sociology, Washington, United States Deadline for manuscript submissions: 1 February 2019 Message from the Guest

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Genesis and Evolution of the Political Field

Genesis and Evolution of the Political Field

CALL FOR PAPERS: Genesis and Evolution of the Political Field Congrès de l’Association française de science politique Congrès du réseau des Associations francophones de science politique (CoSPoF) Bordeaux, France, 2-4 July 2019 If by “political field” we mean the formation

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Conferencia Internacional Sharing Society

Conferencia Internacional Sharing Society

Conferencia internacional “Sharing Society. El impacto de las acciones colectivas colaborativas en la transformación de las sociedades contemporáneas” Bizkaia Aretoa, Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao (España) 23 y 24 de mayo de 2019 Convocatoria de comunicaciones y pósteres 1.Contexto y

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