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When Students Protest: Politics and Young People

When Students Protest: Politics and Young People

Call for contributions – ‘When Students Protest: Politics and Young People’ Editors: Professor Judith BESSANT: RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. Analicia MEJIA MESINAS: Assistant Professor, Azusa Pacific University, California, United States of America. Dr Sarah PICKARD: Senior Lecturer and researcher, Université

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Research on protest and social movements

Research on protest and social movements

Call for donations: For an independent, self-organized research on protest and social movements!  Independent, self-organized research costs money…  We want to ensure the funding of the infrastructure of the Institute for Protest- und Social Movement Studies (ipb). For this, we

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Stand for Fulbright

Stand for Fulbright

The Administration has submitted a budget that would result in a 71% cut to the Fulbright Program for Fiscal Year 2019. Last spring, we stood together in support of Fulbright — and it worked. Thanks to your efforts, a proposed 47% cut

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EASA 2018: Staying, Moving, Settling

EASA 2018: Staying, Moving, Settling

EASA 2018 Systemic Crisis, Anti-Systemic Movements: Marxist Approaches to Capitalist Restructuring and Social Reproduction in Contemporary Global Scenarios of Movement and Stability Convenors Agnes Gagyi (University of Gothenburg) email Ingo Schröder (University of Marburg) email Matjaz Pinter (Maynooth University) email Mail All Convenors

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Convocatoria Virtualis Revista de Cultura Digital

Convocatoria Virtualis Revista de Cultura Digital

Tecnopolítica disidente y cultura digital en América Latina Coordinador: Tommaso Gravante (CEIICH-UNAM, México) El levantamiento de las comunidades indígenas de Chiapas en 1994 fue una de las primeras ocasiones a nivel internacional en que se utilizó la red de Internet

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Towards Gender Equality

Towards Gender Equality: Clashes in Law Conference

Towards Gender Equality: Clashes in Law Conference School of Law, Politics and Sociology, University of Sussex 22 June 2018 Abstract submission deadline 6 April 2018 Clashes between progressive and restrictive legislative reforms in the context of gender equality remain a

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Call for paper, PACO, Special 10th Anniversary Issue

Call for paper, PACO, Special 10th Anniversary Issue

Special 10th Anniversary Issue. Contentious actors, spaces and themes in present and future societies. The 10th anniversary edition of Partecipazione e Conflitto will examine the state of contentious politics today and reflect on its future developments in our societies. After

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Social Movements Between Past and Present

Call for Papers Spain: Social Movements Between Past and Present University of Cambridge 8th June 2018 Social movements in Spain have increasingly attracted academic and popular attention over the last years. Political mobilisations are frequently treated as spontaneous phenomena, divorced

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Emociones, movilización social y política

Emociones, movilización social y política

Revista Desafíos Convocatoria Volumen 31, número 2 : Julio – Diciembre de 2019 Convocatoria abierta: Dossier temático: Emociones, movilización social y política Editores invitados: Julie Massal, Freddy Cante y David González-Caballero. Este nuevo número de la revista DESAFÍOS estará dedicado

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Concurso ensayos educación crítica y emancipación

Concurso ensayos educación crítica y emancipación

Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO) Educación crítica y emancipación CARACTERÍSTICAS GENERALES DEL CONCURSO El Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO), junto a la Editorial OCTAEDRO de Barcelona convocan al Concurso de ensayos “Educación crítica y emancipación” con el objetivo

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