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Del 68 al 2018. Cincuenta años de movimientos sociales y acción colectiva

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Centro Peninsular en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales Del 68 al 2018. Cincuenta años de movimientos sociales y acción colectiva. Casos, análisis y reflexiones contemporáneas Rubén Torres Martínez (Edición) Presentación El 2018 estaba llamado a ser

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Interface volume 13, issue 1

Interface volume 13, issue 1

Editorial Open issue Laurence Cox, Sutapa Chattopadhyay Like many of the movement projects we work with around the world, Interface is living in interesting times. The rise of new authoritarianisms, far-right movements and state and freelance repression of movement spaces and radical

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Zine del orgullo LGBTTTIQ+

Zine del orgullo LGBTTTIQ+

¿Conoces la historia de la marcha LBGTTTIQ+ en México? En 1971 se funda el Frente de Liberación Homosexual de México (FLHM), la primera asociación a favor de los derechos de las personas LGBTTTIQ+ en México. El 26 de julio 1978,

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Communicating the Future

Communicating the Future

Communicating the Future: Solutions for Environment, Economy and Democracy Communicating the Future (Polity) provides a simple model of how ideas flow in society, along with an application of the model to develop more spreadable ideas at the intersection of environment, economy

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Espiral. Estudios sobre Estado y Sociedad, núm. 81

Espiral. Estudios sobre Estado y Sociedad, núm. 81

Espiral Estudios sobre Estado y Sociedad Vol. 28 Núm. 81 (2021): Espiral 81 (Mayo-Agosto 2021) Enfoque y alcance Espiral Estudios sobre Estado y Sociedad publica trabajos de investigación sobre sistemas políticos y de gobierno, movimientos sociales, pobreza y desigualdad, enfocados preferentemente

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The Oxford Handbook of Politics and Performance

The Oxford Handbook of Politics and Performance

Edited by Shirin M. Rai, Milija Gluhovic, Silvija Jestrovic, and Michael Saward Description Political scientists and political theorists have long been interested in social and political performance. Theatre and performance researchers have often focused on the political dimensions of the live arts. Yet the

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COVID-19 from the Margins

COVID-19 from the Margins

ID-19 from the Margins. Pandemic Invisibilities, Policies and Resistance in the Datafied Society Edited by Stefania Milan, Emiliano Treré and Silvia Masiero In the first pandemic of the datafied society, the disempowered were denied a voice in the heavily quantified

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Political Invisibility and Mobilization

Political Invisibility and Mobilization

Political Invisibility and Mobilization Women against State Violence in Argentina, Yugoslavia, and Liberia By  Selina Gallo-Cruz Book Description Political Invisibility and Mobilization explores the unseen opportunities available to those considered irrelevant and disregarded during periods of violent repression. In a comparative study

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Revista Movimientos, vol. 5, núm. 1

Revista Movimientos, vol. 5, núm. 1

Movimientos Revista Mexicana de Estudios de los Movimientos Sociales Presentación El número que presentamos ahora es producto de tiempos extraordinarios marcados por el acontecimiento de la Covid-19. Si bien es  todavía  pronto para conocer las múltiples huellas que dejará la

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Interface volume 12, issue 2, 2019

Interface A journal for and about social movements Open issue Laurence Cox Like many radical spaces around the planet, Interface has struggled in the coronavirus pandemic. It is fundamentally a volunteer project depending on the time and energy of a

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