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The changing role of citizen engagement

The changing role of citizen engagement

European Consortium for Political Research The Changing Role of Citizen Engagement in Today’s Challenges: Participation, Movements, Protest Endorsed by the ECPR Standing Group on Participation and Mobilisation Abstract This Section aims to bring together panels around current issues in the study

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Social Media and Democracy Research Grants

Social Media and Democracy Research Grants

The Social Science Research Council Overview The longstanding study of media effects on democracy and elections has taken on new resonance with the rise of social media platforms, the dramatic change in the business model of traditional news media, changes

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Social Movements and Parties in a Fractured Media Landscape

Social Movements and Parties in a Fractured Media Landscape

Call for Papers – Social Movements and Parties in a Fractured Media Landscape The call for papers is now open for a two-day symposium held under the auspices of the journal ‘Information, Communication & Society’ (iCS) at the Centre on

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Fathomless Futures: Algorithmic and Imagined

Fathomless Futures: Algorithmic and Imagined

Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) Annual Meeting 2019 Conference Theme “Fathomless Futures: Algorithmic and Imagined”¹ At the New School for Social Research, New York City, NY, USA “Alternatives to Capitalism” Research Network I. 27-29 June 2019  Conference Theme Overview

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Politics, Participation and Big Data

Politics, Participation and Big Data

Partecipazione & Conflitto Vol. 11, No. 2 (2018). Special Issue: From Big Data in Politics to the Politics of Big Data Guest Editors: Alice Mattoni and Elena Pavan This editorial defines big data as an inherently political object and then

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Ciudadanía digital y democracia participativa

Francisco Sierra, Salvador Leetoy, Tommaso Gravante (coordinadores) Introducción (fragmento) A nuestro entender, del conocimiento concreto de las nuevas formas de construcción de la ciudadanía en los procesos de desarrollo a través de las nuevas tecnologías de la información, se infieren

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Publicado en: De miembros del LAOMS, Publicaciones, Recomendadas

Recuperar el territorio y la vida | Por México hoy

Recuperar el territorio y la vida | Por México hoy

Por México Hoy presenta documento sobre extractivismo en México mar 20 nov 18 12:21:37 El documento “Recuperar el territorio y la vida” tiene como objetivo reconstruir el pensamiento emancipatorio, diverso y plural. No está contra la modernidad ni el progreso, es

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Publicado en: Archivo, Descargables, Eventos, Publicaciones, Recomendadas

Resistance and its Repression

Resistance and its Repression: Illiberal Democracies East and West Third Anual Mobilization Conference May 10-11,  2019 San Diego State University The Third SDSU Conference on Social Movements and Nonviolent Protest: Resistance and Its Repression: Illiberal Democracies East and West This

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Contested Cities and Urban Activism

Contested Cities and Urban Activism

Editors: Yip, Ngai Ming, Martínez López, Miguel A., Sun, Xiaoyi (Eds.) About this book This edited volume advances our understanding of urban activism beyond the social movement theorization dominated by thesis of political opportunity structure and resource mobilization, as well as by research

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Foro: Yo no estuve allí pero no olvido

Foro: Yo no estuve allí pero no olvido

Red Mexicana de Estudios de los Movimientos Sociales, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco y FLACSO-México Yo no estuve allí pero no olvido. Resonancias del movimiento estudiantil de 1968 En 1968 miles de estudiantes, profesores y maestras, intelectuales, madres y padres de familia,

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