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From the Arab Spring to Lockdown

From the Arab Spring to Lockdown

From the Arab Spring to Lockdown: Social movements, resistance and revolution in the age of multiple planetary crisis 2011-2021 To celebrate the 10th anniversary of CSM-RESIST at University of Gothenburg, we organize four panels discussing an extraordinary decade of protest

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Interface volume 13, issue 1

Interface volume 13, issue 1

Editorial Open issue Laurence Cox, Sutapa Chattopadhyay Like many of the movement projects we work with around the world, Interface is living in interesting times. The rise of new authoritarianisms, far-right movements and state and freelance repression of movement spaces and radical

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Communicating the Future

Communicating the Future

Communicating the Future: Solutions for Environment, Economy and Democracy Communicating the Future (Polity) provides a simple model of how ideas flow in society, along with an application of the model to develop more spreadable ideas at the intersection of environment, economy

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Alternatives to Capitalism in the 21st Century

Alternatives to Capitalism in the 21st Century

Series editors: Lara Monticelli, Copenhagen Business School, and Torsten Geelan, University of Copenhagen The COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing global economic recession of unprecedented depth is a ‘once in a generation’ opportunity to challenge capitalism and transition to a more equitable, democratic, solidaristic

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When, where and which kind of collective action matters?

When, where and which kind of collective action matters?

CALL FOR PAPERS, PACO 14(3 bis): 2021 Call for Papers for a Special Issue on[1]: When, where and which kind of collective action matters? Guest editors Lorenzo Bosi (Scuola Normale Superiore) Katrin Uba (Uppsala University) This special issue will seek

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Information, Communication & Society

Information, Communication & Society

ety publishes current work on the social, economic, and cultural impact of information and communication technologies. Black Lives Matter Online Virtual Issue Like millions of other academics and citizens worldwide we have been shocked and appalled by the brutal killing

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How Social Movements Can Save Democracy

How Social Movements Can Save Democracy

How Social Movements Can Save Democracy Democratic Innovations from Below Donatella della Porta The birth of democracies owes much to the interventions and mobilizations of ordinary people. Yet many feel as though they have inherited democratic institutions which do not deliver for

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Contention, vol. 8, Issue 1

Contention The Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Protest Editorial Giovanni A. Travaglino and Benjamin Abrams Contention has now reached its eighth volume and fifteenth issue, and we have been delighted to see the journal move from attainment to attainment over the

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Social movements in and beyond the COVID-19 crisis

Social movements in and beyond the COVID-19 crisis: sharing stories of struggles Friday May 8th … on the 75th anniversary of the defeat of fascism in Europe … We’re tired of hearing stories about the virus and the crisis that

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Social movements and political mobilization in times of global pandemic

Social movements and political mobilization in times of global pandemic

University of Copenhagen Department of Sociology Copenhagen Centre on Political Mobilisation and Social Movement Studies (CoMMonS) Symposium on ZOOM Social Movements and Political Mobilisation in Times of Global Pandemic April 27th *10.00-12.00 Copenhagen and Paris  *11-13.00 Beer Sheva Panel vulnerable

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