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Social classes and social movements (mailing-list)

Social classes and social movements (mailing-list)

International Sociological Asociation- ISA Research Committee Social classes and social movements RC47 MANIFESTO FOR INTERNATIONAL COLLECTIVE ACTION RESEARCH Since our origins in Mexico City in 1982, Research Committee 47 has had as its central theme the problem of social movements,

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Transnational objects, activist solidarities, feminist analytics

Transnational objects, activist solidarities, feminist analytics

TRANSNATIONAL OBJECTS, ACTIVIST SOLIDARITIES, FEMINIST ANALYTICS December 5-7, 2018 University of Ottawa Call for papers This interdisciplinary symposium invites scholars of transnational movements, organizations, networks, campaigns, mobilizations, assemblages and other cross-border activist phenomena to consider: (1) how to more adequately

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Democratización y proyecto de país

Democratización y proyecto de país

Diplomado: Democratización y proyecto de país Objetivo general Generar en las y los participantes las herramientas de comprensión, análisis de coyuntura y participación en los procesos políticos de democratización en México para contribuir a la construcción de propuestas en torno

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Violence, Space, and the Political

Violence, Space, and the Political

Violence, Space, and the Political Power, Conflict, and Ideologies Research Cluster School of Political Science and Sociology National University of Ireland, Galway. 7-9 June 2018 Call for Papers Deadline 9th February 2018 Send approx. 250 word abstract to In

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Alternative futures & Popular protest

Alternative futures & Popular protest

Alternative futures & Popular protest Manchester Metropolitan University, 26-28 march 2018, Geoffrey Manton Building SOCIAL MOVEMENTS CONFERENCE – CALL FOR PAPERS From 1995 to 2017, Manchester Metropolitan University hosted a series of very successful annual international conferences on ‘ALTERNATIVE FUTURES

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Where is the social movements field going?

Where is the social movements field going?

“1968-2018, fifty years after: Where is the social movements field going?”  organized and funded by  COSMOS/SNS, ECPR/SG P&M, ESA/RN25 at Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence, Italy 23-25 of May 2018 2018 will mark the anniversary of the 1968 burst of social movement

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The Rebirth of Marxism: Haunting the Future

The Rebirth of Marxism: Haunting the Future

The Rebirth of Marxism: Haunting the Future National University of Ireland Maynooth, 4 – 5 May 2018 ​Call for papers In his play Marx in Soho, Howard Zinn has Marx ask “Don’t you wonder why it is necessary to proclaim me

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The Big Data Challenge (PACO)

The Big Data Challenge (PACO)

The Big Data Challenge. From Big Data in Politics to the Politics of Big Data A special issue for PArtecipazione e COnflitto (PACO) Guest Editors Alice Mattoni and Elena Pavan Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Scuola Normale Superiore

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Foro Social Guerrero 2017

Foro Social Guerrero 2017

Movimientos sociales desde el sur hacia la nación. Debate para una agenda común 20, 21 y 22 de octubre Cuajinicuilapa, Guerrero Objetivo: Analizar los retos de los movimientos sociales en el estado de Guerrero en el contexto de la coyuntura

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Convocatoria al VI Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Sociales

Convocatoria al VI Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Sociales

El Consejo Mexicano de Ciencias Sociales, la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí y El Colegio de San Luis, A.C. convocan al VI Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Sociales Las ciencias sociales y la agenda nacional con el objetivo de que

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