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Investigating Vaccine Controversies during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Investigating Vaccine Controversies during the Covid-19 Pandemic

PARTECIPAZIONE E CONFLITTO Special Issue on: “Investigating Vaccine Controversies during the Covid-19 Pandemic” Vol. 15, No. 3 (2022). Guest editors: Niccolò Bertuzzi, Erica Lagalisse, Elisa Lello, Giampietro Gobo and Barbara Sena Editorial Politics During and After Covid-19: Science, Health and

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Continuities and transformations in forms of collective action

Continuities and transformations in forms of collective action

Call for Papers for a Special Issue on “Continuities and transformations in forms of collective action”, to be published in the open access Journal Società Mutamento Politica ( Abstracts up to 500 words are due 28th February 2023. Continuities and

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Power in Movement. Social Movements and Contentious Politics

Power in Movement. Social Movements and Contentious Politics

Description Social movements have an elusive power but one that is altogether real. From the French and American revolutions to the Arab Spring, and to ethnic and terrorist movements of today, contentious politics exercises a fleeting but powerful influence on

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Anarchism in the “Other Europe”

Anarchism in the “Other Europe”

Call for papers Anarchism in the “Other Europe”: From the fin de siècle to the Present Workshop, 16–17 September 2022, Prague Keynote speaker: Grzegorz Piotrowski Convenors: Kristina Andělová (Kontradikce/Contradictions journal), Bohuslav Kuřík (Faculty of Humanities, Charles University), Ondřej Slačálek (Faculty

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Methods of social movement research

Methods of social movement research

Methods of social movement research: new developments and recurring questions September 15–16, 2022, Berlin How can we research protests and social movements? Which methods are necessary and appropriate to learn about the emergence and development of protests, about motivations and

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Interface, vol. 13, Issue 2

Interface, vol. 13, Issue 2

Interface a journal for and about social movements Rising up against institutional racism in the Americas and beyond (issue 13/2) Vol 13 Issue 2 This special issue of Interface explores the movements against institutional racism that have spread across the

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Partecipazione & Conflitto (PaCo) Vol. 15, No. 1 (2022)

Partecipazione & Conflitto. Tenth Anniversary

SPECIAL ISSUE/1: “Between rebellion and governance: violence, legitimacy, and control by armed groups in civil wars” Guest Editors: Siniša Malešević and Stefan Malthaner SPECIAL ISSUE/2: “Bridging Social Movement Studies between Global North and South” Guest Editors: Guya Accornero and Tommaso

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Movement and Parties

Movement and Parties

The invasion of the Capitol on January 6th, 2021 exposed the combustible confluence of movements and parties that continues to disrupt politics in the United States, and potentially the world. Join us for the Australian launch of Sidney Tarrow’s Movement and

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Reimagining our Worlds from Below

Reimagining our Worlds from Below

Reimagining our Worlds from Below: Transnational Conversations on Resistance, Movements, and Transformations May 18-21, 2022 The COVID-19 pandemic has made more evident persistent, systemic inequalities that are rooted in and shaped by ideological, economic, political, social, and cultural structures. However,

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Issues and Perspectives in the Study of Social Movement Impacts

Issues and Perspectives in the Study of Social Movement Impacts

Call for Papers Issues and Perspectives in the Study of Social Movement Impacts 27 May 2022 Institute of Citizenship Studies, University of Geneva Geneva, Switzerland Organizers: César Guzmán-Concha (UNIGE) Marco Giugni (UNIGE). Keynote speakers: Jennifer Earl (U. Arizona), Lorenzo Bosi

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