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Global Struggles and Social Change

Global Struggles and Social Change

Global Struggles and Social Change From Prehistory to World Revolution in the Twenty-First Century Christopher Chase-Dunn and Paul Almeida Christopher Chase-Dunn is a Distinguished Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Riverside, where he is the director of the

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How Social Movements Think

How Social Movements Think

Minds of the Movement An ICNC blog on the people and power of civil resistance by Laurence Cox The 2020s are starting on a very grim note: we badly need social movements, and movements that can win. Whether climate change, global

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Social Movement Networks in Times of Crisis

Social Movement Networks in Times of Crisis

ECPR General Conference University of Innsbruck, Austria 26 – 28 August 2020 Endorsed by the ECPR Standing Group on Political Networks Abstract The Political Networks Section aims to provide a multidisciplinary space of convergence for scholars that, while holding diverse research interests

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Insurgent Politics against the Backdrop

Insurgent Politics against the Backdrop

Insurgent Politics against the Backdrop of Hong Kong’s Existential Crisis Even in a city like Hong Kong, where mass protests are commonplace, it is undeniable that the current resistance sparked by the government’s introduction of legislation to allow extradition to

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Revisiting the Riot: Theory in Action Special Issue

Revisiting the Riot: Theory in Action Special Issue

Call for papers Revisiting the Riot: A Theory in Action Special Issue to Mark the 10th Anniversary of AK Thompson’s Black Bloc, White Riot   About the Special Issue: Published a decade after the 1999 “Battle of Seattle,” AK Thompson’s Black Bloc, White Riot explored the connection

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Interface volume 11, issue 1, 2019

Interface volume 11 number 1, 2019

Open issue Laurence Cox Welcome to the twentieth issue of Interface: a journal for and about social movements. As always, Interface seeks to share learning between different social movement struggles and movements in different places and to develop dialogue between

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After Seattle. Call for reflection and celebration

After Seattle. Call for reflection and celebration

Were you part of the N30 protests against the WTO in Seattle? This November is the 20-year anniversary. “After Seattle” is a collection of biographical notes about how that experience shaped us. If you were there, you are invited to

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The Poor’s Struggle for Political Incorporation

The Poor’s Struggle for Political Incorporation The Piquetero Movement in Argentina Federico M Rossi (author) Synopsis This book offers an innovative perspective on the ever-widening gap between the poor and the state in Latin American politics. It presents a comprehensive

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Social Movements. Paul Almeida

Social Movements. Paul Almeida

Social Movements The Structure of Collective Mobilization Paul Almeida One pattern emerging in the new millennium involves ordinary people mobilizing around increasingly negative conditions. When we observe some of the largest protest campaigns of the past twenty years, they are

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Partecipazione & Conflitto. Tenth Anniversary

Partecipazione & Conflitto. Tenth Anniversary

Tenth anniversary edition of Partecipazione e Conflitto  On behalf of the editorial team: Alice Mattoni, Louisa Parks, and Luca Raffini PARTECIPAZIONE E CONFLITTO [Participation and Conflict] was created in 2008, the first journal in Italy to specialize in work analyzing

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